Test messaging service

With your consent, the surgery can contact you by text message.

This is for things like appointment reminders, health promotion campaigns, inviting you for vaccinations etc..

Appointment reminder messages include a link allowing you to cancel your appointment, without needing to call the surgery.

The service is proven to reduce the ‘did-not-attend’ rate of appointments which ultimately helps more patients to get one.

You can opt out at any time, just speak to any member of staff.

We strongly recommend all patients signed up to this service.

You can sign-up for the text messaging service by completing this communication consent form below.

Alternatively, you can ask a member of the reception staff team when you are next in to complete the Text messaging service registration form.

Patients who share mobile numbers

If you ‘share’ a number, be mindful that the person you share it with, may see messages meant for you (e.g. if you made an appointment discreetly, the person you share the number with, may see the appointment reminder text message you are sent, allowing them to infer that you’ve made an appointment).

We advise that patients do not use a mobile number for more than one person because of patient confidentiality and privacy.

Text Reminder Consent Form